Saturday, 7 September 2013

First week of September - Story of the Barcoo Bantam

Rain is keeping water levels high at Hersdman, so nothing has really changed from last week. The long-staying Freckled Ducks and even longer-staying (over a year now) Black-tailed Native-hens can easily be found mixed with Glossy Ibis and Eurasian Coots along Maurice Hamer.
Freckled Ducks continue (to sleep) at Herdsman Lake
While watching the Freckled Ducks, an elderly man approached, and unexpectedly asked if I knew an ancient name belonging to the native-hens. I didn't, but made an educated guess at Green-and-red-billed Desert Chicken or something along the lines. Without hesitation, he irrupted into the first passage of 'A Bush Christening' by Australian poet Banjo Patterson:

                  "On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few, 

                          And men of religion are scanty, 
                   On a road never cross'd 'cept by folk that are lost, 
                          One Michael Magee had a shanty..."

Turns out, we were both staring at Barcoo Bantams. 
Two of seven Barcoo Bantams at Maurice Hamer Park
Nesting note - the bush birds are starting to hatch young. I've seen Red Wattlebirds and Welcome Swallows delivering items to nests this week.

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