Friday, 9 August 2013

Second week of August - Hatching time

This morning on my lap of the lake, I saw a pair of Black Swans with four very small, awkward-walking cygnets. Apart from some ducklings belonging to the Pacific Black Ducks, the only other waterbirds I've noticed this (soon-to-be) Spring with young have been the Great Cormorants. They built their nests in the usual short, dead trees at the west end of Maurice Hamer park, as well as at one spot on the eastern side of the lake. I'd guess there are around 25 nests in total, and the chicks are now adult-size and will probably leave very soon.

Right now, the bush birds are putting on a show, highlighted by my latest patch tick, a female Red-capped Robin (3rd record of the year for Herdsman, but my first ever!). She was flitting around in the Swamp Paperbarks near the Pony Club, occasionally diving to the ground to catch some unsuspecting prey. Spotted Pardalotes continue to sing from the Flooded Gums, and are usually joined by Western Gerygones, Rufous Whistlers, Grey Fantails, Yellow-rumped Thornbills and hordes of Silvereyes.

Freckled Duck numbers are still the same, and the Black-tailed Native-hens are hovering around 10.

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